Viewing Posts by: Dr. Zari Alipour

Keys to surviving the college years drug free

There are 4 keys to surviving the college years drug-free:

1. Make a commitment to your dream and focus on keeping your dream alive.
2. Make a decision that you aren’t going to let drugs and alcohol interfere with your education.
3. Find alternatives to fraternities and sororities if either of your parents are/were addicts.
4. Select friends who are committed to their goals.
Zari Alipour, Ph.D.

Making Wise Choices in a Disruptive Age

Dr. Zari is a psychologist for adolescents and adults. She teaches adolescents how to make decisions that are in their best interests and empowers teachers, counselors and parents with the words and accountability tools that reinforce healthy choices.
310 849-4680

Are you giving children and teens the gift of time?

Are you giving children and teens the gift of time?

I most often deal with children and teens who are in trouble. The damage is already done. That bridge has been crossed. We therapists, teachers and counselors do what we can to treat the child, but it saddens me that so much of what could have been done to prevent the trouble was not done.

Childhoods are over before we know it and too soon for all the life lessons they are about to face. Those of us who are fortunate enough to have family elders know the value and gift of time that only the elders experience with our children.

Honesty and responsibility

Honesty and responsibility
What are you doing today that encourages children and teens to be honest, keep promises made, share ideas and dreams, have respect for themselves and others and resolve conflict in a mature fashion?

It’s very easy to pass the buck and not take the time to have honest communication with kids. It’s much easier to teach only what’s in the text, let them watch television for hours each day or sit in front of their computers.

Everything and anything you can do to encourage an actual extended conversation with a child will make a difference in their lives and in their ability to think indiscriminately and make wise choices.

Zari Alipour, Ph.D.
Making Wise Choices in a Disruptive Age

Factors affecting successful recovery

Factors affecting successful recovery
Early in my professional career, I was working as an ICU nurse and simultaneously working on my psychology dissertation. I have had ample opportunity in the hospital and through my private practice to observe and treat many lives interrupted and/or destroyed from alcohol, drugs and obesity.
As adults, we use food and alcohol to celebrate special occasions and holidays. Children do as we do most of the time. We condition them from the time they are in diapers to copy our behavior.
I have written books on the subjects of wise choices and healthy living which begins with understanding yourself and following your dreams. My goal is to guide you in ways of teaching adolescents to make decisions that are in their best interest. In these weekly tips, I am offering to you ways that we can address the behaviors that lead to self-abuse so that we can help those children with whom you come in contact either through teaching, counseling or parenting.
Zari Alipour, Ph.D.
Making Wise Choices in a Disruptive Age

A little Respect

A little R-E-S-P-E-C-T
What are the lessons you are teaching children about respect? Ask yourself these simple questions:

• Do you speak with respect about your fellow workers?
• Do you speak with respect to your spouse?
• Do you tolerate abuse from any family member?
• Do you interrupt others who are talking?
• Do you gossip or purposely pass on information that would hurt others?
• Do you yell to express yourself to your students or children?

Your behavior in its entirety reflects either a respectful demeanor or a disrespectful one.

Zari Alipour, Ph.D.
Making Wise Choices in a Disruptive Age

Dr. Zari is a psychologist for adolescents and adults. She teaches adolescents how to make decisions that are in their best interests and empowers teachers, counselors and parents with the words and accountability tools that reinforce healthy choices.

4 keys to surviving the college years drug-free

4 keys to surviving the college years drug-free
There are 4 keys to surviving the college years drug-free:
1. Make a commitment to your dream and focus on keeping your dream alive.
2. Make a decision that you aren’t going to let drugs and alcohol interfere with your education.
3. Find alternatives to fraternities and sororities if either of your parents are/were addicts.
4. Select friends who are committed to their short and long goals.
Zari Alipour, Ph.D.
Making Wise Choices in a Disruptive Age

Dr. Zari is a psychologist for adolescents and adults. She teaches adolescents how to make decisions that are in their best interests and empowers teachers, counselors and parents with the words and accountability tools that reinforce healthy choices.

Please forward to your teen

Conscious or subconscious mind?

Conscious or subconscious mind?

Join me to test my permanent weight loss program, base on the following principles: nutritional education, hypnosis and exercise.

If you are interested in losing weight permanently without using medication or packaged food then join me to explore my formula.
I am only accepting 12 people.
This program includes nutritional education, hypnosis and exercise.

Even if you don’t want lose weight still you need to exercise, the exercise has endless benefits
It takes years off of your face, it helps your memory, it strengthen your bone, strengthen your heart muscles, it improves your mood, it reduces your appetite and help you sleep better I can go on and on…….

Those drugs and weight loss programs are able to help you temporary the you need a permanent change in your habits and life style in order to have a permanent result,
which is a difficult task for your conscious mind you need to program your subconscious mind to create a permanent result.

Setting Parameters

Setting Parameters

Do you set parameters for the children with whom you come in contact?

When I assess or counsel children, I know immediately through their body language and expression if they have come from a family that provided fair, consistent and respectful guidance. I am often shocked that parents do not recognize the value of setting limits and boundaries for themselves let alone their children.

It is impossible to teach children to respect civil law if they have not experienced it in their home environment. Drunk driving, sexual abuse, statutory rape and drug abuse are only some of the manifestations of not setting boundaries for children early in life.

Teens respond favorably and are more motivated when they understand the moral implications, legal and social consequences of their actions.

Zari Alipour, Ph.D.
Making Wise Choices in a Disruptive Age

Bath Salt is another designer recreational Drug

Bath Salt

Bath Salt is another designer recreational drug widely available on the internet, in convenience stores and gas stations. It is not easy to identify toxicity which is the key to survival and the reduction of mortality.

Persons intoxicated by Bath Salt may feel like superhuman but intoxication causes psychosis which can cause a person to eat the flesh of another person. This product have no legitimate use for bathing. It contains other stimulants such as MDVP, PCC and or 4-methylmethcathinone.
Bath salt is not listed as a state and federal controlled substance. There is a high reported risk of toxicity and mortality from being high on the drug.

Are you giving children and teens the gift of time?

Are you giving children and teens the gift of time?

Are you giving children and teens the gift of time?

I most often deal with children and teens who are in trouble. The damage is already done. That bridge has been crossed. We therapists, teachers and counselors do what we can to treat the child, but it saddens me that so much of what could have been done to prevent the trouble was not done.

Childhoods are over before we know it and too soon for all the life lessons they are about to face. Those of us who are fortunate enough to have family elders know the value and gift of time that only the elders experience with our children.