Is your head in the sand

Are you informed about drug use in your community or in the school where you work or where your child attends?  If not, the answers are at your local police station and/or online.  There are community resources in place to help you stay informed.

If you remain ignorant or uninformed either due to your daily work schedule or other personal interests, you stand at-risk for an unpleasant discovery down the line. You may be in denial about your child’s drug or substance use particularly if you smoke, drink alcohol excessively or use other drugs, make excuses and deny your own use.

Many well-intentioned adults and parents feel ambushed with the discovery of their child’s drug use.  They often proudly state that they allow their child to have his/her own privacy behind their bedroom door, never bothering to look in drawers, under mattresses or in recessed areas of closets.  This is either because they don’t want to know or are in denial about the dangers involved.


Stay informed.  Know your resources.  Be available to your children to help them work through their challenges.


Zari Alipour, Ph.D.

Making Wise Choices in a Disruptive Age



Dr. Zari is a psychologist for adolescents and adults.  She teaches adolescents how to make decisions that are in their best interests and empowers teachers, counselors and parents with the words and accountability tools that reinforce healthy choices.


Categories: Weight Loss

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