Choosing friends wisely

Are you in a position to influence the decision of a college student to join a fraternity or sorority?


There are things you can do to help young adults make that decision.  But the ability to discern appropriate and valuable friends comes long before college.  Relationships created in sororities and fraternities can have long lasting consequences, some good – others not so good.  If a child has been active in being able to determine what worthy friendships are, they are much more able to make a decision regarding relationships in college.


A genuine friend keeps a promise, follows through with what he or she says, sacrifices for the other, respects and honors, is courteous, builds character, and is a positive connection in helping one realize their dreams.


Often the reasons for joining a particular organization have more to do with risky behavior than stable behavior.  Past decisions regarding friends are a good indicator of future choices.  Since an adult is more than likely going to be in the position to pay for expensive member organizations, it is well within that adult’s responsibility to assess and evaluate any organization in which a child is interested.


Zari Alipour, Ph.D.

Making Wise Choices in a Disruptive Age

Categories: Addiction

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